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CES: Let’s Put a Projector into this Samsung cellphone

Options. Isn’t it great to have them when dealing with mobile devices. Not only are they a cell phone but they are a GPS, Radio, Movie Player, Decorder, Computer…and now that we already have a plethora of combinations, CES debuts’ add another to the heap what’s to come.

Let’s make this phone a Projector, shall we?

Don’t get me wrong, this application is pretty neat. But not sure how resourceful it can be. I don’t know if a lot of people want to beam a light source to a public wall and sit to watch. It’s great at home with lights off in the bathroom or any time you’ll be several feet away from a wall.

This year Samsung, which displayed this phone at CES, have integrated a projector into a real working mobile phone. Imagine having a projector this size always with you.

The new Samsung Projector phone is actually a working device and it should be available in Korea this year under the Anycall brand meaning it’s not a GSM mobile. It has: OLED display, 5 megapixel camera and runs on the Samsung TouchWiz interface.

Demo of Samsung’s Projector Phone

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1 reply
  1. Home projector
    Home projector says:

    It seems that the pico projector as a addition to cell phones is fast becoming the new “in gadget”. A few years ago it was the camera addition.

    Should be interesting to try and guess what the next fashionable addition will be.

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