$150 refurbished 16GB iPhone 3G from AT&T
True to its form At&t is desperately wanting to get rid their current stock, with the new iPhone models immenitinelty right around the corner. In March we saw $150 refurbished 16GB iPhone 3Gs hitting various regional stores and now it looks like AT&T means business. It is now offering the refurbished 16GB model in both black and white at the online AT&T store. This means anyone and everyone willing to draw blood and sign away to a new 2-year contract can take one. Only a one purchaser per household rule, and the new line or new customer stipulation may apply  meaning you will have to probably not be able to renew your current contract and get the $150 price. As long as you don’t mind refurbished and possibly a scratch or two  this might just be the deal for you.
For more iPhone / Apple cell phone products, please see our list of Apple / iPhone distributors and wholesalers of new, used and refurbished cell phones.
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