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Blackberry 83XX series leads over iPhone in the US Market

5-9-08-curve_8330_vzwThe numbers are in. And it seems that the Blackberry Curve83XX series in smartphone sales have been topping the charts. According to NPH, the mobile device shot ahead of the iPhone 3G, the first quarter of 2009. Coming up in the third and forth were Blackyberry’s own Storm and Pearl, with the T-Mobile G1sitting semi-pretty in fifth. Smartphones are gaining popularity in the US markets.

Seems like RIM is in a good position with sales as it controls 15% share of the US market, owning almost half of the entire pie. Apple and Palm both dropped a dime as they prepare for their adventurous mid-year launches.

To learn more on pricing of Blackberry cell phones, please see our list of Blackberry wholesalers in the USA.

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