
Motorola’s The Flash and The Inferno, RIP

motoflashMotorola has had its ups and downs with new handsets coming out. But I’m giving you bad news today. There are a couple mobile devices that didn’t make the grade and have been vanished. The Flash (pictured to the left) lived up to its name – gone in a flash (am I the only one laughing?). The design was something of a spectacle but it seemed that fanstasy and reality couldn’t translate into actuality, so into the gutter with the Flash.


The Inferno (pictured at the Read) is in hell probably. Dying from its prosaic blandness.


Though there is a silver lining in all this, the Rolex seems to be working its way into mass-production or high-end exclusive levels, we aren’t sure.

If you are looking for Motorola cell phones, please see our list of Motorola wholesale cell phone distributorsmotoinferno

Source: BGR 


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